Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Birth of a New Pile

Decided to purge my dayplanner and get back to using it. It DOES work, when I use it : )

First step: purge all the papers in the front flap. I was happy to find some papers that were clearly trash, now (an old address or phone number without a name, etc) and promptly threw them away. The rest of the papers ended up in a pile.

Here's your invitation into one of my piles:
1) a cell phone number (from someone who told me to call her) but I never did
2) a business card from an acquaintance (for a product I never heard of, but now that I have the card ... maybe I should consider it). I've probably had this card for 1-2 years.
3) an expired teacher discount card to JoAnn's store (kept so that I can use it to get another one without having to go through all the rig-a-ma-roll by just handing this old one to them). This card expired Sept. 2009.
4) Five coupons for 20% off my next purchase of $10.00 0r more at Goodwill. I usually shop at Goodwill on their 50% off days, so I wouldn't use these anyway. But then again ... what if I DO happen to go to Goodwill when it's not a 50% off day...
5) the cell phone number for one of my daughter's friend's mom. Forgot I had it written down.
6) an invitation I got to the surprise birthday party for a friend. I kept it so that I could give it to her in case she wanted to use it to scrapbook this big event in her life. I keep forgetting to give it to her. She's had another birthday in the meantime.
7) an index card with the address and phone number of two JoAnn stores. One of them has already closed.
8) my daughter's address on a post it note. She moved into a new house 11 months ago. I haven't written her address in my address file.
9) the business card of one of my medical practitioners that I thought I had lost! It has her e-mail address that she told me was the fastest way for me to get ahold of her personally.
10) a receipt for an oil change on my van [so THAT'S when we had it done!] from April 2010.
11) a receipt for cash paid on our daughter's vehicle's repair (a car that she has since sold) which ended up being a big headache and a point of contention ...BIGGER than we ever bargained for .. but this receipt is proof that we have done SOMETHING to help her out as a single mom who's barely getting by

That's not even 1/4 of the pile. I can't bare to look at any more of the papers in this pile. I am mentally exhausted. I did a once through as I pulled them out of the flap. These are the ones that made it through the first sort.

I'll put them in a manilla envelope, label the outside ("from Dayplanner") and date it with today's date. Then ... oh! Of course! I'll put the envelope in my "incoming mail" slot : )

Monday, November 15, 2010

Takes One to Know One

I was talking to a fellow "Messie/Hoarder" gal ...we were commiserating...she admitted to me that she had an issue (which was a big step for her) to say it out loud to me ... when the subject of mail came up. I told her that I have bags of mail. I have a place to put the incoming mail addressed to me. When that location fills up, I pull out the mail, place it in a plastic bag, write the date on the outside of the bag and stick it somewhere.

That's the part of the conversation that my dad overheard. He looked at me and asked, "Really?! You have BAGS of mail? That's not ___ ."

I don't remember the last word he said. It could have been: right, good or appropriate [something to that effect].

I'm not sure if it was confusion, shock or fear I saw on his face. Maybe a little of each. Either way, I knew that he didn't understand. The gal I was talking to did. She said she put her mail in boxes. Yep. We understood each other. Is there a logical explanation? No. That's the point. Hoarders don't do what they do for logical reasons.

Mail has a lot of decisions to make. What to keep? What to toss? What's important? What's not? Should we/can we go ...(if an RSVP is needed) or not? Is this junk mail, or is it something I need to consider? If I don't need this...is there someone I know who could benefit from it?

To you it may be easy. To me, it's not.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Change of Mindset

Doing some decluttering today. Feel like I'm walking through sludge. I am trying to fill one black garbage bag and one small box with items to donate to Goodwill. I am "feeling disgusted" more than I am "feeling the need to keep all this stuff." Progress? Yes!

Following the 12 Steps

Step One: We admitted we were powerless over clutter and disorganization - that our lives had become unmanageable.

I would purchase a card, gift or just about anything (that I didn't need to use right away) and put it "here" for now ... only to forget where I had put it. If enough time passed, I would forget that I had even bought it. My life and focus were so out of control that I could place the item where it "should" go and forget about it (out of sight, out of mind) and then buy another one, only do discover that I had already bought one when I went to put the second one away.

Once I had a desire for some object (for instance little jars to store trinkets in) then the collecting would begin. "Enough" was not in my vocabulary. If I needed three, then I better get four in case one breaks. Or maybe I should get six, just to be sure. What if I need a larger size, then I better get three (four, six, ten ...) in all sizes.

My family would tease me over my attraction to paper clips and rubber bands. I couldn't throw them away. If I found them on the floor, I would keep them. If I handed a teller at the bank some checks with a paper clip on them, I would ask for it back.

Nothing could strike terror into me like an unexpected visitor to my home. My children all remember how I would call them into the hallway to join me in "pretending" that we weren't home. As my daughters grew to be teenagers, I was reluctant to them having slumber parties. If money would allow, I would plan all birthday parties away from our house. Christmas time would bring on almost unbearable stress (starting long before Thanksgiving) as I would start to think about WHERE we would put a tree, and how we would decorate (there wasn't any space for decorations). Finally my husband would join me as we would box, pile and stash. We would move whatever we could (filling a non working car in the driveway, a shower stall in the middle of repair -- add a shower curtain and no one would know ...).

99 % of the clutter and mess in our home is mine (mine to have to deal with). When I am away from home I can feel encouraged and strengthened and plan to get home and start tackling the mess. As soon as I walk in the door, I am overwhelmed and my energy is zapped. It feels like I'm suffocating. I just "can't" I tell myself. My family would be better off without me because I can't change. I am a bad example. I am the cause of everyone's dysfunction .. it all stems from me not being able to "get myself" together.

I am enthralled with books. I enjoy looking at used book sales. I already have more books than I can handle. Books are everywhere, on shelves, in piles, in boxes, beside my bed, etc ... I have times where I tell myself that I won't buy another book until I get around to reading the last "have to get this one" book. But it doesn't last. There's an urgency in me, a restlessness that over powers me and I buy more books. I may start to read them, but they end up in a pile (beside my bed, on the desk, on the counter or table) and will stay there as I start to read the NEW "have to have" book that I buy. I have hidden books and secretly brought them into the house, so that my husband would not know.

Years passed as I was obsessed with having "so much to do" but not making any progress. I was in constant turmoil deep inside. One day, my daughter told me that my grandchildren would not care about my latest book organization plan or how I moved boxes from one place to another, but they wanted to spend time WITH me, to have a relationship with me.

I'm not living the life I want to live. I'm not "free" to be me (whoever that may be). My relationships suffer. I withdraw from social occasions when I fear that it will lead to inviting people into our home.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Admitting I'm powerless

My "incoming" mail slot is almost full ... again. I don't deal with the mail addressed to me. Why? I'm not sure, probably because I'll have to make decisions ... decisions that I can't make.

No, it's not really that I CAN'T make the decisions, it's that the decisions (the options) cause me distress (anxiety).

First of all, what is this item? Even if it's junk mail of some sort, the anxiety begins ... maybe I will NEED this information / service / address / date in the future. What if I need it and I don't have this (paper) any more? Maybe someone I know will ask me about this (or need this). Or maybe I already know someone I can give this to.

If it's an upcoming event, a different set of anxious questions begin.

If I don't "deal" with the mail, I don't experience the anxiety. However, I have experienced discomfort when a friend of mine asked if I had read the letter she sent me. I was embarrassed to say that I didn't even know she had sent me one.

I have bags (and BAGS) of my mail in various places in my house. As the place I keep my mail fills up, I will bag it, write the date on it and put it ... somewhere.

I also have THOUSANDS of e-mails in my inbox. Many of them I have not even opened. Hmmmm ... I hadn't seen the correlation between these two "collections" until now.

I hope that by admitting this about myself (and let me tell you, it's not an easy thing to disclose), I will be on the road to change and healing in these areas.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Stepping Forward

Took three boxes of BOOKS (yes, books!!!) to charity this afternoon.

Change of Plans

I intended to start ranting today, to write about everything that is irritating me. Believe me, if I got started listing all my irritations, I would come up with a really long list. On the other hand, if I choose to think about what I have to be thankful for .. I could come up with a list that would be just as long, if not longer.

I will choose to STOP this little pity party I have been in. I will put away the decorations and take off my "party dress" and hat. I will pick up a dish rag and start washing dishes. I will sweep and wet mop the floors. I will express my blessings OUT LOUD as I go about my tasks.

If I had no food to eat, I'd have no dishes to wash.
If I had no home to live in, I'd have no floors to clean.
If I had no running water, I'd have no toilets to clean or sinks to shine.
If I didn't have my health, I wouldn't be able to do the many tasks at hand.
If I didn't have eyesight, I wouldn't be able to see the ones I love.
If I didn't have hearing, I wouldn't be able to hear "I love you Grandma."
If I didn't have working air conditioning in my home, I would be very, very miserable.
If I didn't have a relationship with God, I would feel hopeless.

Today is the FIRST day of the rest of my life.
It's going to be a grrrrrreat day!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A glimpse into my world

Dirty dishes in the sink. I don't like to see that ... even more, I can't stand to see that! How many times do I have to ask people to NOT put their dirty dishes in the sink?

I pull them out and place them in some form of organization. Dirty cups here, dirty plates stacked up by size, bowls together, etc ... silverware! If there is some dirty silverware ALREADY placed in a container beside the sink and the silverware is facing downward ... can't you understand that you are to place your used silverware in the same container AND place it downward?

There is a method to placing clean dishes in the strainer to dry, also. Mom places the dishes in the strainer in such a way to make them easy to reach (if you should need to retrieve them), and also in a manner that allows for maximum dishes to be dried at one time. You see this system every day. You retrieve clean dishes from the strainer on a daily basis (often more than once a day) ... and yet, you are clueless as to how to use these methods when you wash the dishes. This irritates me. Is this a symptom of OCD?

And the kitchen towels ... please remember that there are specific towels, not to be confused with one another. There is the clean (current) dish rag (hanging over the sink) to use to wash dishes and to wipe up messes on the table or kitchen counters. There is the "water wiping" towel which hangs on the cabinet door handle to the right of the sink. This towel is for wiping/drying water only (except for water on the floor). The hand drying towel is located on the drawer pull just beneath the sink and to the right. And last of all, on the oven handle is the "old" hand drying towel from yesterday. This towel can be used for any spills on the floor. All of these towels are changed daily and are not to be used for any purpose other than their assigned purpose. This system has been in effect for YEARS .... but is still not ingrained into the minds of everyone. Is my towel regime a symptom of OCD?

I can dream, can't I ?

I thought about taking all the boxes of books I have to sell ... and donating them ... somewhere. The thought of not seeing the stacks of white banker's boxes in my dining room anymore .... awwwww... until my husband reminded me that he is out of work ... which means no income ... which means, I need to get back to listing and posting the books for sale.

Open Space

We have a vacant room in our house. I called an informal family gathering to share ideas for this open space. My daughter immediately said, without a blink of the eye, "I thought it would be your scrapbooking room." I noticed my husband wince. "Or a workout room," she added. He said "a workout room." Funny how no one asked me what I thought. So I spoke up and said I had some ideas too.

"It could be a guest room with a bed and our grandchildren could use it when they spend the night. We could put the toys and their things in there. Or we could put shelves from the ceiling to the floor and place ALL of our books in there. It could be our library. Or it could be our dining room. We could put our table and the china hutch in there." The wincing became louder with each of my suggestions.

It will become a workout room ... one of these days. My husband plans to pull up the carpet, scrape the popcorn ceiling, paint the walls and add some sort of special flooring. We have some exercise equipment already (that's the good part).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I'm surrounded with STUFF ... everywhere, too much stuff. Stuff on counters, stuff on the table, stuff on the desk top, stuff in boxes, stuff on shelves, stuff on the floor, even stuff inside stuff. You can't see our fireplace because of stuff. I have to move stuff to be able to reach stuff. Good stuff is forgotten about because I can't see it. Good stuff may become stuff that "used to be good stuff" if it gets ruined because it was out. For example, our water crock (that sits on a kitchen counter) sprung a leak in the night. This morning a lot of stuff was water damaged. Some of that stuff is still sitting around this evening (even though it's already "no good" stuff).

We have stuff that doesn't work anymore, stuff that is missing a part, stuff that we enjoyed using (once or many years ago), stuff we intend to use some day, stuff that was a good deal, stuff that someone gave us, stuff that should be stored away, stuff that belongs to someone else, stuff that needs to be put away, stuff that should be thrown away, stuff that we don't know where we got it or what it is ... but it looks like a piece of good stuff, stuff to sell at a yard sale, stuff we bought at a yard sale and still have in the bag, stuff to fix, stuff to clean, stuff to file and stuff to return.

Do you know why model homes appear so spacious and so lovely? There's no STUFF in them. Think about it ... there's no stuff in the closets, under the beds, in the cabinets, in the garage, stacked on the floor, on the counters, on top of the toilet, around the bathtub, in the shower, on the floor of the laundry room, or at the bottom of the stairs! If you live in a house with a staircase you know darn well that there is STUFF at the bottom (and probably at the top) of the stairs. It's stuff that needs to go up (or down) stairs the next time someone goes that way, right?

Monday, August 23, 2010


I don't function well in disorder. I live in disorder. The disorder occurs because things/stuff can't be put away, because there's no place to put it.

I wash my clothes. Some of the clean clothes can't be put away (don't ask). Those particular clothes stay in a laundry basket in my bedroom. My husband doesn't have space to put away all of his clean clothes either. Those end up in a pile on the floor on his side of the bed.

It's a vicious cycle. This (whatever it is) can't be put there because there (that space) is full of (whatever). Whatever can't be moved any place else because every where else is full. If you're not a hoarder, you don't understand how depressing this cycle is.

I live in disorder + I don't function well in disorder = I don't function well. That's my story. I don't like it, but I continue to live it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Blue Monday

This is a melancholy morning. Last Friday was the last day that I babysat three of my grandsons. Starting today, I will have just one (of the four). The little one I will be caring for is in preschool four mornings a week. I will have him in the afternoon. My daughter started school today. Yesterday we put our dog down. It's so quiet in the house.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Something New in My Life

I am babysitting grandchildren (one to four boys) everyday, Monday through Friday. I have them for up to ten hours a day. The fact that I can manage this task, is remarkable. I couldn't have done it last year, or even six months ago. It is a sign of much progress in my recovery.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Goal Update

Today is July 31.
Most of the boxes from the living room have been put away (relocated), at least the ones that were in front of the wall unit. There remains a stack of boxes beside the speaker (against a wall).

All the boxes that were in the van, have been taken out. They are in our dining room. I started making lists of the books (by subject) to post for sale on Craig's List and homeschool classified sites.

The dining room table is not completely cleared yet, but it is usable again.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July's Goals and a New Countdown

My birthday has come and gone. I am farther along in decluttering than I was this time last year!

Currently there are boxes in my living room (on the floor) in front of our wall unit and a stack of boxes beside the stereo speaker. There are also boxes of books (that we did not sell at the used curriculum and book sales) in our old van.

Our dining room table is also half obstructed with books and misc items that were placed on it as we cleared items to take to the book sales.

These will be my next goals: (not in any particular order)
  1. remove the boxes from my living room
  2. do something with the boxes in the van ... I plan to list the books for sale on the internet. As far as I know, there will not be any more local book sales this summer.
  3. clear off the dining room table
I will give myself a 30 day countdown (from tomorrow until Aug. 7)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Emotional Obstacle

I'm stuck.
I came upon some of my old jewelry box contents. Most of it is not anything of monetary value. Lots of sentiment attached though. Small empty jewelry boxes from jewelry stores when my dear husband surprised me with something. Baby teeth hidden under my old charm bracelet, some patches earned and not sewn on a sash of my child, one of the tiny little earrings used to pierce my daughter's ears ... Oh! I know exactly what to do with these (extra buttons from blouses purchased long ago), I'll add them to my buttons that I use for scrapbooking!

I have a replica of the broken locket that Little Orphan Annie wore, and a charm (part of an earring actually) with Snoopy and Woodstock on it. A star embellished pin, for mothers, that you add a star with the birthstone of your children to. Mine has just two stars. That's how long ago I got it. I still have a beautiful necklace and earring set that I earned being a Tupperware Manager. One of the earring backs is broken. I was delighted to find more turquoise and silver jewelry.

I did find some things to throw away, but most of it I will put back where I found it and go through it again another day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Free to Be Me

This isn't about decluttering (tangible objects) but it is about decluttering my mind. I had an amazing afternoon on Sunday. I picked up my granddaughters and brought them to my house with a purpose and a plan. We stopped at the grocery store first and bought a cake mix and some disposable pans.

At my house I helped them (they did most of it on their own) bake a cake for their mother (each girl made her own cake). After they cooled, they frosted them. In the meantime they made cards for their Mommy, thanking her for going to work to take care of them. My daughter is a single parent.

I delighted in every moment with my precious granddaughters.

So, what's new or different about this day? I wasn't anxious about any part of it. I wasn't consumed with thoughts about why it wouldn't work or why I couldn't do it. It was perfect. It was fun. Every detail went smoothly. THAT'S the difference.

Was it possible BECAUSE I've been decluttering and there was "clear space" to do this? No, that's not it. Somehow during this process that I'm in, whatever it was that kept me distant (distracted?) and weary because I was always feeling overwhelmed ... whatever that was, that was gone. I felt free.

I feel like I'm beginning to live the life I want to live. I am becoming who I want to be.

Another Milestone Along The Way

I don't know how many years she's been waiting to hear this, but her very words rang in my ears last night. My good friend, offered to help me do some decluttering many years ago. She willingly came into my abode and tried to coach and encourage me to let go of some things (I had invited her to come).

One of the things I can remember her talking to me about was my "scrap paper" box. It was a rather large box (I clearly realize now!) ... probably the size of a white Banker's Box. She asked me if I could use a smaller box. She gently told me that I would never be in want of scrap paper. As a matter of fact, she said it seems to just appear on a regular basis. It comes to us in the mail and we make it ourselves in our homes.

Last night I thought of my "scrap paper" drawer (yes, a drawer) and how it was so hard to open and close now because it was crammed full of papers. I decided I wanted to use that drawer for another purpose so I dumped out all the paper inside of it, onto my table. I started to compile a stack of just SOME of the paper to keep ... and that's when her words rang in my ears. I could hear her loud and clear ask me just how much scrap paper did I really need?

I will have to let her know that, this time, her question made me smile. I threw away most of that pile.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

27 Days to Go

I did some rearranging in our dining room this evening and ended up so delighted with the new look that I pulled an all-nighter clearing out and putting away items.

I couldn't help but feel such excitement deep inside. I was truly happy! My home is starting to take on the "look" that I want it to have. It's looking less like a museum of all my "collections" (which, by the way, were not displayed in lovely fashion. Most of it was piled up, stuck in boxes and definitely an eye sore wherever it happened to be).

I probably won't have everything deluttered by my birthday ... but I WILL have accomplished so very much during this countdown. Thank you God, for all YOU have done to heal my heart so that I don't need all this stuff anymore.

If you haven't been a hoarder, you wouldn't understand. To purge and clear out is something that most of my friends do on a regular basis. Not me.

Hoarding (building a nest; a wall of clutter to hide behind) is a distraction. I've been distracting myself from painful emotions. Not only have I been a hoarder, but I've been addicted to food as well. As I press into God, HE is delivering me from both of these "false gods." HE wants me to come to HIM with my emotions, with my problems, concerns and issues.

It has not been an easy, a rapid, or a complete deliverance (yet) ... but it has been oh so very worth it !!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

28 Days to Go

Today, my dear husband and I ventured out to sell our wares at another used curriculum and book sale. In preparation for it, I dug out more books (from my vast collection) and cleared some space (however so tiny) in another of our storage areas. While looking in what we call "The Room," which is basically a catch-all (closed in back porch), I found my posters, maps and teaching posters. Some of them were water damaged and a couple of them I knew I'd hang on to, but the rest all went with us to the sale. I sold them for 25 cents a piece and we sold several of them.

I did have some hesitation over one of the posters. It was laminated and double sided. One side showed the life cycle of a frog. The other side was about the stages of a sunflower. It was the sunflower that gripped my heart. It was this very poster, that once hung in my hallway, that transformed my thinking about something very dear to me. It taught me what homeschooling really meant.

I won't go into all the detail here, but my son read this poster and looked at the photos. He planted a sunflower seed in our front yard (all on his own) and it grew. The whole story is still so very precious to me.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Having Some Fun Along The Way

Got a good laugh out of this find.

Inside a hidden banker's box, labeled GIFT BOX, was a plastic bag containing newspaper wrapped items. The "packages" had tags on them which gave a clue to what was inside.

The first one was labeled: convenience in the shower
Inside was a lady's "Flicker" razor. Remember those round razors with 5 blades that you click around in a circle?

Another one was tagged: What we always begged for and said we'd feed, and we would ... for two weeks. This is the perfect one !!
Inside was a little fish that grows 600x it's size when you place it in water.

A package with the clue: brain food contained a can of tuna.

These must have been left over prizes from some crazy party we had. I wondered if the tuna would still be good. Didn't find a date on the can, so I looked at the newspaper that it was wrapped in, 1999. I kept the razor and the fish but the tuna is outta here!

37 Days to Go

Today I've been sorting and purging in the office/workroom. I'm getting a good chuckle out of the files and files I made (and still have) from 1992 and on ... So far I've gone through two boxes of Homeschool Resources. I don't remember now, but I could easily bet that once those fliers, catalogs and magazines were put in those boxes, I never looked at them again !!

I decided to hold onto the "Homeschooling" magazines. I will take them with me to the next used curriculum sale I plan to sell at, and put them out for free. There just may be someone like me. Someone who compulsively gathers information.

I thought I needed to buy another pack of the white banker's boxes. I use them to put things in that I plan to keep. Or in the case of a first time through sort, I will put things into boxes according to categories. When I come to trash, I don't stash ... : ) I just throw it away. However, now that I've been purging, I have a few empty boxes. My dear husband will be very glad that I am actually reusing my own boxes !

I found a handbook that contained a summary written by my small group leader (who happens to be one of my very dear friends) . I read what she wrote about our little group of homeschooling moms and it brought back warm and fuzzy feelings. I set it aside and thought I'd give it to her. I don't know if she'll have the same reaction. I was happy with the fact that I don't have to KEEP it myself : ) And by the way, its from back in the early 1990's.

I also came upon a little packet I had made up for this small group. I had gathered statistics and typed up the ages of all of our children, the curriculum each family was using, a chart that displayed the curriculum in use, tips offered by moms and some fun trivia about each child (given by the moms) as an ice breaker for our kids to get to know each other better. I enjoyed looking at it. : )

I did find some brochures about curriculum I plan to sell this summer. I was glad to find those. I will use them in marketing the items : )

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

39 days to go

We have bankers boxes in our living room. They came from our old van (one of our storage places). Hubby decided it was time to list the van for sale, but I digress.

I moved some of the boxes to a different wall. I'm a master at moving things around in a room. Made a difference. Now it doesn't look so crowded in there.

We have a (new to us) set of wall units in our living room. I am using the shelves for .... you guessed it, places to put bankers boxes as I continue to sort and purge. I had to remind my husband that each of these boxes is LABELED on one side, and how important it is that the label side is showing.

I was able to move some of the boxes of books into the living room, thus clearing up more of our dining room table.

I can only stand disorder for so long ...gotta be able to see out of windows too.

One time a gal, who is also a cluttered person, came into my house (horrors !!) She commented that I am very organized and neat with my clutter though. Hmmm, I had never considered that about all my stuff.

Now, let me set the record straight. There are areas of my house that are NOT neat and organized !! Far from it (like the side of my bed, but that's another story). In my imagination, in my "perfect world" everything would have a home in a little drawer (or the size for it to fit in) and .... yep, the drawers would probably be labeled.

Today at my counseling appointment, my counselor suggested that I put one of the books I am keeping in the wrong section ... on purpose ... as an action against my OCD. I thought about it, told him I couldn't do that. I asked him how I would be able to find it. He said, well you have ALOT of books that you never look at anyway (and didn't remember you had). Hmmm, was that really therapeutic? I get his point, but it gave me an attitude.

Monday, May 24, 2010

40 days to go

I have an empty small sized pantry/ cupboard piece of furniture. I had to really FOCUS on NOT trying to find a purpose and home for it (other than where it now sits).

I am trying to work on decluttering and THEN put things in a "permanent" place. I had to sit down and make a list of ideas I've had for it. I let myself do that. : )

Friday, May 21, 2010

43 days to go

Gathering and sorting homeschooling books. This is hard. I've had mixed feelings.

GUILTY when I came to something that I never did get around to use.

GUILTY when it's something that I told my husband I just "had to have" (even though it was over our budget) and I didn't use it.

HAPPY / SAD when I came to something we used and really enjoyed. Lots of fond memories would surface as I thought about us studying this topic or subject.

CONFUSED when I'd come to something that I should have already used with Julianne and wondered if I'd be able to include it this coming year.

I was thankful that Bob was willing to listen to me and all my emotions. He told me that if I was really struggling over the decision, I didn't have to sell that item now. Isn't he wonderful? Yes, he is !

I will be selling at a homeschool used curriculum and book sale tomorrow. I spoke to a friend who will be bringing some materials to sell as well. She asked me how it was going for me. I told her that I was struggling. She said she understood and we could cry together, tomorrow. It's been several years since she retired (from instructing her kids at home) . Guess it's emotional no matter how much time passes.

Friday, May 14, 2010

50 Days to Go

Insights I've had during this "silent" time:

1. I am holding onto things (items) that remind me of a "good" feeling. For instance, I had three dried roses in my kitchen window. I received these beautiful roses from three of my grandsons on my last birthday. I dried them and kept them ...because... they meant that someone LOVED me. Someone valued me enough to give them to me. My grandson's gave them to me... so that means that I'm a lovable Grandmother. Once I realized that, I knew that I didn't need to keep these roses any longer. I KNOW my grandsons love me. I KNOW I'm a loving (lovable) Grandmother.

2. The LORD wants me to "cherish" things that remind me about Him and what He's done or is doing in my life. He is the one who gives me my worth and He is the one who loves me unconditionally.

AND Today ... I now KNOW that I do not need to keep all the books I have, I CAN'T keep them all (don't have room for them). And I'm motivated to let them go.

I am first gathering my books from all corners of the house and categorizing them. Many of them have already had this done. It's the books that are laying by my bed, piled on top of something, lain here or there, stuck away in an unmarked box, or even put on a bottom shelf somewhere out of sight (just for now).

I am a Grandmother, yes, but I do not need to keep ALL my children's books anymore. I will invite my adult children to come and take any that they'd like to have, save a FEW for my house and the rest will leave.

I will be selling books at a homeschool used curriculum and book sale next Saturday (the 15th). I will be working to gather teaching materials together and box them up for this sale : )

For the first time in my life I KNOW that what I need is not more bookcases ... but less books! My family has been telling me this for years, but just like an addict, I had to REALIZE this for myself. I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me. It is His work in me.

Monday, March 29, 2010

96 Days to Go

Today we took a white shelf from the dining room and the tall bookcase from our entry way to our daughter who was thrilled to have them.

We also took a load to Goodwill: a play stove, play dishes and food, a rolling microwave cart and the tray to the high chair (we accidentally forgot to take it last time!)

It was a little bit of a struggle to let the play stove go (now that it's gone, I am fine) but for a minute or two it felt as if I was not being a "good grandparent" if I got rid of it. My grandchildren have enjoyed playing with it, but we just don't have room for it anymore. It's been inaccessible for quite some time too.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Shoe Is On The Other Foot Now

My husband was offered a set of hand crafted cabinets & shelves. They are very nice (and quite large). We have them in our living room. I really like them ... but I feel claustrophobic now. Have to get rid of some furniture in here! I am tempted to say, "They're TOO BIG. We need to let them go," but alas I cannot. For all these many years, my dear husband has adapted to all the things I have brought into our home. He has willingly moved furniture around and accepted cramped quarters because of my impulses. I think I owe him some of his own.

I asked him to "consider" a different set up for our computers (one that didn't take up half of the dining room). He was not willing to consider that ... at least not today.

After all these years I am ready to create wide open space in our home. I was looking forward to an open dining area ... but I AM the one who wanted to have both computers brought in here as well. He found a screaming deal on an "L shaped" computer desk and hutch. It was just too big to fit in the corner that he thought it would. It now cuts the room in half.

Because of this computer center, I am brainstorming to try to save my dining room table and china hutch. If I don't accomplish MAJOR decluttering and downsizing, I may lose one or both of them.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

98 Days to Go

We took a load to donate at Savers. One of the items was a rolling cart that was made to go between your washer and dryer. A lady was unloading some donations from the back of her vehicle the same time that we were unloading ours. Her eyes got big as she asked if we were giving that rolling cart away?

My husband asked her if she wanted it. Oh yes! She wanted it! My husband had to laugh. He said, "She's a rolling cart fanatic just like you."

Friday, March 12, 2010

113 Days to Go

Took a load to Goodwill today.
Two black garbage bags full of miscellaneous things, two computer monitors, a child's booster seat, a high chair and one large glass mug.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

114 Days to Go

This evening I worked in the office/workroom again.
I made a point of clearing a surface for my precious hubby to be able to use as he pulls out tools or works on something that needs fixing. He's been patiently waiting for this moment .... for years!

Some things are easier to deal with now (to make a decision to toss or donate them), but there are still some that I struggle with.

Moved some things around in the dining room so that it doesn't appear as crowded. This is just a temporary fix. I still have lots to declutter in here.

I asked my kids what they'd want of mine, someday .... and it weirded them out. I meant as I'm decluttering, I don't want to get rid of something they hoped to have. As you might have guessed, there wasn't much on their lists. All these papers and seemingly useful things didn't make the cut. Of course they're still young. One day, they may wish they had my paper clip collection or one of my many clipboards (just for sentimental reasons). Ha!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

115 Days to Go

This evening I found a half full garbage bag (the size of a kitchen garbage can) and a partially filled black garbage bag that had been stashed away after my last decluttering spree. The kitchen bag was trash and the black bag was for items to be donated. I worked in our "office/workroom" for approximately one hour. During that time I filled the trash bag, put more items into the donation bag, rearranged some heavy plastic tubs (put them onto a little "truck"/ dolley thing*) and labeld the outside of them. I emptied one box that was a quarter full of miscellaneous items. I threw away used posterboards, scrap pieces of Christmas wrapping paper and some packing material (things I used to save ... until tonight). I also made the decision to deal once and for all with some items that were making me feel guilty.

This past July, my daughter had her 16th birthday. At our family party for her we played some games that I came up with: Julianne Trivia, Julianne Word Search and the Julianne Word Game. The night of the party we were having so much fun that we ran out of time before the winners of these "contests" could be determined. I had three little winners cups (one for each game). I told everyone that I would take the papers home and I'd go over them myself and award the prizes. And here they were ... still in the bags inside a box I had put them in. Every other time I would see them I would feel a pang of guilt for not wrapping up the results long ago. TONIGHT I decided that enough was enough. At this point NO ONE would even remember and I was THROUGH with feeling guilty. I disposed of all the papers (that is, except for the ones that I will scrapbook).

In the kitchen I purged some old sippie cups that my grandchildren are too old for. I made room on the counter for my bread box I found in the office/workroom. Now we have a place to put the bread that had been on the table : )

* If I could I would put wheels under just about everything. Love to be able to just push something out of the way or move it around the house! I had my husband build a ramp from our office/workroom (where my scrapbooking supplies are) into the dining room so that I can wheel them out and then roll them back when I'm finished.

115 Day Countdown

There are 115 days until my 50th birthday. I have decided that what I really want to give myself is a decluttered home : ) I want to be intentional about it and focused on the goal.

Welcome to the 115 Day Countdown !!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Been "out-of-it" as far as working on decluttering : (

Pulled out my Hope for the Helpless Messie book this afternoon. It's written in The Twelve Steps format.

Asked hubby how my clutter was affecting him TODAY. He said it wasn't ...wasn't affecting him anymore than any other day. He admitted he has clutter too but I have much more.

I told him that I am affected by my own clutter and I need help. I need him to help me and work alongside me. I asked if we could come up with some rules (guidelines) regarding this. He was all for it. His number one was: stop buying things! His number two I would not accept (to not buy anymore Banker's Boxes).

I added two rules to the list: No one can be FORCED to get rid of any one something and We will converse with"gentle words" while working together.

Then I organized our colored pencil drawer. I took all the contents out, threw away the pencil shavings that were in the bottom, separated the very short pencils and placed them into snack size baggies. (Throwing them away was not even an option for me) I rubberbanded the grease pencils into one bunch and put everything back into the drawer.

Hope to be able to report that I did SOMETHING else ...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Catching Up

I moved the tall bookcase (that was in front of the fireplace) into the entryway, opening up space in the dining room. It works for now.

I've been concentrating on keeping the table clear (when not in use) and keeping the kitchen cleaned up at night (since it opens up into the dining room). That's about all I CAN do in this room for now.

Got to get back to taking baby steps to dig out of all this clutter. Somewhere along the way I forgot about my January challenge (to myself) to get rid of 5 items a day. Do I have ADD? If I don't write it down and read it on a daily basis, I don't even remember what I was doing/working on.

Went shopping at several Goodwill stores with my daughters today. They have 50% off everything every other Saturday. I don't buy anything unless I can use it NOW and I have a PLACE to put it. This is a big step for me. I let myself feel the joy in discovering a great deal, a beautiful or cute thing, a good organizational tool, or something that brings back fond memories without having to buy it.

Monday, January 18, 2010

When Hubby Had a Day Off

Hubby told me he wanted to get the second computer TODAY. We talked about where to put it, in this room that had no space available. I knew that some things had to go. I was willing to let go ... of some of them. I told him he could just throw away the aluminum buffet burner set. He said, "No! It's new!"

Yes, some parts of it were new, and some were old. I told him that I didn't care if he threw it away. He said, "no!"

He brought the new indoor grill we recieved as a Christmas gift (it's still in the box) into the kitchen. He asked if I wanted to use it sometime. "Yes," I answered, "I want to use it sometime."
He looked around for a place to put it. Of course there wasn't any place. As he looked, he found more of the buffet burners and more new inserts for it. I thought it was hilarious that I had some in a cupboard and didn't know it. He didn't.

Hubby opened the one door upper cabinet and laughed when he saw what all was stuck inside of it. At first he put it all back inside and closed the door. Later he returned to the cabinet and took everything out. I saw him carrying a silk plant in a basket and some silk flowers I use in my spring decorating, through the kitchen. I asked him where he was going with them. He said he was going to put them in "the room."

"The room" is our converted back porch that is not air tight. Things get dirty and dusty out there if they are not covered up. He must have read my expression. He said, "you can always clean them later." I entered "the room" to get something out of the freezer and saw that the whole room was grower smaller and smaller. I had to get out quick, I was becoming clasustrophobic!

He moved the Banker's Boxes that were neatly stacked in two columns (with the labels facing outward) into a clump right in front of the breakfast bar (kitchen counter area) where our phone is.

The dining room chairs are up against the bar stools on one side and almost to the humongous corner desk on the other side.

I won't be able to deal with the close quarters in this room for very long. Will have to see what I can do to make some changes .... tomorrow. There's always tomorrow.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Today was an interesting day for me. My husband decided that TODAY was the day to bring another computer into our house. On top of that, he found a corner computer desk (got a screaming deal on it) . The interesting part was that all of this was going to be moved into our dining room.

Our dining room has a table and chairs, a china cabinet with a hutch, a very heavy display shelf (from a store remodel), a two drawer file cabinet, a one door upper cabinet (which is sitting on the floor) , two bookcases and our dog's food and water bowls. ALL of this was in the dining room BEFORE he brought in the massive corner desk unit.

I am delighted to be able to use my computer (which is now also in the dining room) out in the open where everyone is. It's wonderful to be part of the family again as I type away.

One of the bookcases is up on the fireplace now (which is in the corner of the dining room) and the other one is in front of the fireplace. Our table is barely accessible and I can deal with that today. Tomorrow will be another story. If the phone rings it will be very hard to answer it (to reach the phone, that is).

I am happy to oblige my husband and daughter in this undertaking. They have been patient (for the most part) with me and my numerous ideas in the past.

Almost forgot to mention the Banker's Boxes that are in this room as well. I am thankful that hubby was ok with them staying here TODAY.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Hoarder

Today was 50% off everything at Goodwill stores (occurs every other Saturday). I went to one to have a look around. Found hubby a large glass mug to drink his rootbeer in. I also came home with a book, three picture frames, a framed scripture verse and a picture I bought for my grandsons.

Washed and put the mug to use right away. Stuck it in the freezer, just like they do at A&W restaurants, before pouring the soda in to it. Two cans didn't quite fill it. Maybe it's a bit too big of a mug. But I got it for half off.

Pulled the three picture frames out of the bag and took them to my dining room. I noticed immediately that they were not the right size for the photos I thought I'd put in them. Uh oh, well, I put them back into the bag for now and set them in a box.

Started reading the book. It's facinating! Will be a good resource for our journey to health and weight loss. Except the part I read about how drinking diet soda actually increases your risk for obesity. That's what we drink. Diet rootbeer. Uh oh, now I'm thinking about the GREAT BIG glass mug I just bought hubby and how it takes at least two cans of DIET soda to fill it up ...

Set the picture for my grandsons against the wall. I'll drop if off for them tomorrow or the next day. Set the framed scripture verse next to it. The colors and the frame will be perfect somewhere in our house. Just have to fugure out where. In the meantime, it will be right here so I can see it all the time and won't forget that I have it.

Like the bagged items I found earlier today. One of them was even in a Goodwill bag! It was rather thrilling to find them : ) almost like I saw them for the very first time. Sigh, they could have been forgotten where they were for a long time. Guess it's a good thing I dropped a ring on the floor and couldn't find it. I had to dig around in all the stuff that was around on the floor. Who would've thought that in this battered box, under a pile of clothes, would be several bags of treasure!

Mind Clutter

Whenever I look at the whole picture I am overwhelmed with what needs to be done. I can't allow myself to dwell on how far I need to go. Got to stay in "one day at a time" mode. One baby step after another.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

too many bottles of handcleaner in the house ...poured them together and didn't even get one full bottle, but I am satisfied to throw out the empty ones

I made a conscious decision to not let saving a penny here or there deterr me from THROWING AWAY something. For instance: there was a time I would have had to try to squirt all the solution that was still inside the little tube that is attached to the pump, into the new container.

I'm not saving ketchup bottles that are upside down in the door of my refrigerator so that someone can use up the very last drops of it. It's so light, it falls out every time the door swings open.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Found some leftover potato soup in the back of the refrigerator (from Christmas Eve) -- that was an easy purge.

Sorted some of my mail. Amazing how fast it piles up. I pulled a bunch of mail out of my "incoming slot." We all have one. It's where the mail goes that's addressed to you along with papers I find around the house that I know belong to some person. My slot was so full it was bluging. I pulled out the contents and stuck it into an empty box a couple of days ago. The box has been sitting on the kitchen counter.

Today I purged the junk mail from this box and put all the rest back. I didn't have the focus to sort the leftovers into categories: to file, action needed, to give to ___, etc ...

The amount of CRAP (I can call it that) I have overwhelms me at times. It used to depress me and drain all my energy. I'm extremely thankful that it doesn't have that same power over me anymore. Baby step by baby step I'm going to get out from under all this.

One day at a time. One task at a time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Today I packed up our Christmas decorations. I had my daughter get the lights down outside and we cleared our porch together. She brought in the plastic tubs and I packed up the decorations from inside the house.

As I was packing I looked at the things that were left in the tubs, unused as decorations this year, and was able to let go of several of them.

Thinking about putting the decorations away seemed like a really big deal and it caused me anxiety. That's the main reason why I have put it off this long. Lots of emotions came to the surface and my perfectionistic tendencies too. I was happy to be able to pack up the tubs myself.

It's not that no one would help me, it's that I want to do it my way (carefully wrapping up some of the items) -- laying them in the tub in a systematic way. Not only that, but I pulled every thing out and packed categories together.

This year we put up less decorations and I was very thankful that it didn't take me as long as I had dreaded that it would. Getting rid of decorations that I didn't use made it go faster too.

As I was packing, I was thinking about how every year I want the focus to be more on the birth of Christ and God's loving gift to us. My decorations would really scale down if that is all I kept. I'll contemplate that. Now that they are all together, it will be easy to purge them again if I should decide to.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Ugh! Bad night! I was looking for something that I put ... somewhere. In the meantime, we've moved stuff around ALOT even disposing of some of it.

I could imagine myself putting it SOMEWHERE that I knew I would not lose it. I know I put it SOMEWHERE with the thought that this would be a good place to put it because I would come across it when I needed it again.

I looked everywhere that I could think of ... everywhere that made some sort of sense to me. Didn't find it. That's the worst. When it's not in a logical place. That means it could be ANYWHERE. And anywhere is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

My husband got a little frustrated with "if all this stuff wasn't here" because I asked him to move a piece of his equipment that is very heavy. I can understand his frustration, I really can, but I couldn't deal with it at that moment.

I prayed and asked for divine help in locating the missing item. So far, I still haven't found it. There must be a lesson to be learned here.

I get the part that this is not OK. I need to keep working on decluttering. It's terrible to not be able to find something. It's even worse when you're trying to find it FOR someone else. I stuck the item away, but I'm not the one who needs it now.

The Twelve-Steps Work For Clutter Too

I found a Twelve-step yahoo group for clutters (Messies). I don't know why I didn't think of my clutter in that way before. I AM powerless over it. I went to the Messies Anonymous website and ordered a book that is written for this very topic.

What I've read already is very insightful. To be understood and to realize that my "tendencies" and "traits" or not unique to just me. There are many others who have the same thoughts and issues too.

One of the first things I came upon and have been contemplating is: my possessions are my drug of choice. Acquiring "stuff" makes me feel good .... temporarily. In the same way that an alcoholic feels good when they drink (at first) . Wow!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today I was haunted by a couple of items that I got rid of. One was a new, unopened package of cheesecloth that I found in my linen closet. I don't remember why I bought it in the first place or how long its been in my possession. I don't use cheesecloth. I suppose I bought it for a science experiment or something ... but BECAUSE it was still in the packaging, I was bothered with the thought that in the event SOMEWHERE DOWN THE ROAD that I may need cheesecloth, I already had a new package. And IF I SHOULD ONE DAY NEED cheesecloth, I wouldn't have to go looking for it in order to buy it (imagining that its not something I could find easily).

The second item that haunted me was a plastic zipperd bag (that sheets or curtains had originally come in). I found it on the floor of my closet. My first thought was "I don't need this, its trash." As soon as I dropped it in the trash, I thought about all the reasons why I MIGHT need it SOMEDAY. I walked over to the trash can and pulled it out. Then I said to myself, you didn't even know you had this. You won't use it. If, for SOME reason you need one, you can buy one.

The last item that spoke to me (ha ha) was the large stuffed bull dog that my husband won at the state fair this year. This was the first year in our whole life together that we went to the state fair. He wanted to shoot baskets, convinced that he would win a prize. I was very happy for him and praised him all night long for his mad skills : ) Thus the dog spoke to me as I put him into my van for his last ride (to Goodwill).

All of these (and more) were donated to Goodwill today. I can't hear them talking to me any longer. Hmm .... out of sight, out of mind!

Except ... I feel as if I must clarify one thing, the stuffed dog was not high quality or of the kind that you would give to a child. It was very stiff and not kid-safe. I wouldn't even consider giving it to one of my grandchildren for those reasons. Not to mention that you can't give ONE of them a large dog and not the others ..... at least this Grandmother can't do that : )

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Living Intentionally

I started an "Intentional Living for 2010" notebook on January first. Using a spiral bound notebook, which I self titled, I started making lists of things that I want to accomplish this year. Goal setting you might call it. I listen to Dr. Randy Carlson's radio program whenever I can. Everyday I hear him ask callers, "What one thing can you do TODAY to make a difference ? " (in some area of their life). I thought I'd look into this Intentional Notebook if I couldn't think of one thing to do intentionally for a particular day.

As I was making lists, I decided to challenge myself with a special decluttering challenge for each month. For January, my challege is to get five things out the door everyday. "Out the door" means into the trash or bagged and ready to donate or give away.

January first I threw away five things:
  1. an old cookie tin that my mom used to use for Christmas cookies (I have others to use) and this one is scratched up and showing wear on the outside and has rust on the inside
  2. the handle to a pot that had broken off long ago (maybe even decades ago !!)
  3. a plastic medicine cup (the kind that come on the top of Nyquil or some cough syrup) that was in the wrong drawer in the kitchen ... I have more of these
  4. the outter box that a toy truck came in (a Christmas gift opened by my grandson) that I was saving, just in case ... by saving, I mean it was still on the floor in the living room, where the Christmas tree once stood
  5. a box (with a pretty gold patterned lid, no less!) that a Christmas gift had come in ... surely I could use it to wrap another gift, someday ... or next Christmas ... if I could find it by then

January second I bagged up five things that had been on display in my dining room:

  1. a wooden heart painted blue with "Welcome" on the front
  2. a set of wooden house shaped blocks with different colored roofs and one letter painted on the front of each house, spelling out "welcome"
  3. a small wooden goose with mobile legs (so it could sit down)
  4. a scripture verse framed in a very small plastic frame
  5. a small wooden school desk (a replica of an old fashioned desk)

January third I threw away five (or more) items which I will not bore you with the details of.