Saturday, June 5, 2010

28 Days to Go

Today, my dear husband and I ventured out to sell our wares at another used curriculum and book sale. In preparation for it, I dug out more books (from my vast collection) and cleared some space (however so tiny) in another of our storage areas. While looking in what we call "The Room," which is basically a catch-all (closed in back porch), I found my posters, maps and teaching posters. Some of them were water damaged and a couple of them I knew I'd hang on to, but the rest all went with us to the sale. I sold them for 25 cents a piece and we sold several of them.

I did have some hesitation over one of the posters. It was laminated and double sided. One side showed the life cycle of a frog. The other side was about the stages of a sunflower. It was the sunflower that gripped my heart. It was this very poster, that once hung in my hallway, that transformed my thinking about something very dear to me. It taught me what homeschooling really meant.

I won't go into all the detail here, but my son read this poster and looked at the photos. He planted a sunflower seed in our front yard (all on his own) and it grew. The whole story is still so very precious to me.

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