Sunday, June 6, 2010

27 Days to Go

I did some rearranging in our dining room this evening and ended up so delighted with the new look that I pulled an all-nighter clearing out and putting away items.

I couldn't help but feel such excitement deep inside. I was truly happy! My home is starting to take on the "look" that I want it to have. It's looking less like a museum of all my "collections" (which, by the way, were not displayed in lovely fashion. Most of it was piled up, stuck in boxes and definitely an eye sore wherever it happened to be).

I probably won't have everything deluttered by my birthday ... but I WILL have accomplished so very much during this countdown. Thank you God, for all YOU have done to heal my heart so that I don't need all this stuff anymore.

If you haven't been a hoarder, you wouldn't understand. To purge and clear out is something that most of my friends do on a regular basis. Not me.

Hoarding (building a nest; a wall of clutter to hide behind) is a distraction. I've been distracting myself from painful emotions. Not only have I been a hoarder, but I've been addicted to food as well. As I press into God, HE is delivering me from both of these "false gods." HE wants me to come to HIM with my emotions, with my problems, concerns and issues.

It has not been an easy, a rapid, or a complete deliverance (yet) ... but it has been oh so very worth it !!!!

1 comment:

  1. AND it's been such an inspiration to all you know and love you!
