Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July's Goals and a New Countdown

My birthday has come and gone. I am farther along in decluttering than I was this time last year!

Currently there are boxes in my living room (on the floor) in front of our wall unit and a stack of boxes beside the stereo speaker. There are also boxes of books (that we did not sell at the used curriculum and book sales) in our old van.

Our dining room table is also half obstructed with books and misc items that were placed on it as we cleared items to take to the book sales.

These will be my next goals: (not in any particular order)
  1. remove the boxes from my living room
  2. do something with the boxes in the van ... I plan to list the books for sale on the internet. As far as I know, there will not be any more local book sales this summer.
  3. clear off the dining room table
I will give myself a 30 day countdown (from tomorrow until Aug. 7)

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