Monday, November 15, 2010

Takes One to Know One

I was talking to a fellow "Messie/Hoarder" gal ...we were commiserating...she admitted to me that she had an issue (which was a big step for her) to say it out loud to me ... when the subject of mail came up. I told her that I have bags of mail. I have a place to put the incoming mail addressed to me. When that location fills up, I pull out the mail, place it in a plastic bag, write the date on the outside of the bag and stick it somewhere.

That's the part of the conversation that my dad overheard. He looked at me and asked, "Really?! You have BAGS of mail? That's not ___ ."

I don't remember the last word he said. It could have been: right, good or appropriate [something to that effect].

I'm not sure if it was confusion, shock or fear I saw on his face. Maybe a little of each. Either way, I knew that he didn't understand. The gal I was talking to did. She said she put her mail in boxes. Yep. We understood each other. Is there a logical explanation? No. That's the point. Hoarders don't do what they do for logical reasons.

Mail has a lot of decisions to make. What to keep? What to toss? What's important? What's not? Should we/can we go ...(if an RSVP is needed) or not? Is this junk mail, or is it something I need to consider? If I don't need there someone I know who could benefit from it?

To you it may be easy. To me, it's not.

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