Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I'm surrounded with STUFF ... everywhere, too much stuff. Stuff on counters, stuff on the table, stuff on the desk top, stuff in boxes, stuff on shelves, stuff on the floor, even stuff inside stuff. You can't see our fireplace because of stuff. I have to move stuff to be able to reach stuff. Good stuff is forgotten about because I can't see it. Good stuff may become stuff that "used to be good stuff" if it gets ruined because it was out. For example, our water crock (that sits on a kitchen counter) sprung a leak in the night. This morning a lot of stuff was water damaged. Some of that stuff is still sitting around this evening (even though it's already "no good" stuff).

We have stuff that doesn't work anymore, stuff that is missing a part, stuff that we enjoyed using (once or many years ago), stuff we intend to use some day, stuff that was a good deal, stuff that someone gave us, stuff that should be stored away, stuff that belongs to someone else, stuff that needs to be put away, stuff that should be thrown away, stuff that we don't know where we got it or what it is ... but it looks like a piece of good stuff, stuff to sell at a yard sale, stuff we bought at a yard sale and still have in the bag, stuff to fix, stuff to clean, stuff to file and stuff to return.

Do you know why model homes appear so spacious and so lovely? There's no STUFF in them. Think about it ... there's no stuff in the closets, under the beds, in the cabinets, in the garage, stacked on the floor, on the counters, on top of the toilet, around the bathtub, in the shower, on the floor of the laundry room, or at the bottom of the stairs! If you live in a house with a staircase you know darn well that there is STUFF at the bottom (and probably at the top) of the stairs. It's stuff that needs to go up (or down) stairs the next time someone goes that way, right?

1 comment:

  1. I think you hit just about every kind of STUFF there can be!! Believe it or not, I've got stuff, too!! I made some mental notes as I read your post! ;)
