Sunday, January 10, 2010


Ugh! Bad night! I was looking for something that I put ... somewhere. In the meantime, we've moved stuff around ALOT even disposing of some of it.

I could imagine myself putting it SOMEWHERE that I knew I would not lose it. I know I put it SOMEWHERE with the thought that this would be a good place to put it because I would come across it when I needed it again.

I looked everywhere that I could think of ... everywhere that made some sort of sense to me. Didn't find it. That's the worst. When it's not in a logical place. That means it could be ANYWHERE. And anywhere is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

My husband got a little frustrated with "if all this stuff wasn't here" because I asked him to move a piece of his equipment that is very heavy. I can understand his frustration, I really can, but I couldn't deal with it at that moment.

I prayed and asked for divine help in locating the missing item. So far, I still haven't found it. There must be a lesson to be learned here.

I get the part that this is not OK. I need to keep working on decluttering. It's terrible to not be able to find something. It's even worse when you're trying to find it FOR someone else. I stuck the item away, but I'm not the one who needs it now.

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