Friday, December 4, 2009

A GOOD Day !

I cried myself to sleep last night.

I knew I HAD to get some stuff out the door. I am the main clutterer. They have their's too, but mine has reproduced uncontrollably for years.

Now to the GOOD day : ) Today, I was determined to sort and purge ruthlessly. I opened the back of my van and filled it up with donations to take to Goodwill. I made myself sort through a box of papers. I emptied two other cardboard boxes and put them in the recycle can. I told my daughter to go and get one thing from her room that she needed to get rid of. That item was donated to Goodwill as well.

Any progress I have made is only by the grace of God. He is the one who is doing the work inside of me. And that's what it is, an inside job. I can't declutter and stop hoarding on my own. It's not my willpower at work. He is breaking this bondage in me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this "de-cluttering" journey with us! I am, as always, inspired by your candor and humor. I'm cheering for you! Ü
