Saturday, October 3, 2009

Decluttering Is Not Just For Stuff

One of the things that is helping me be able to "release" stuff, is to declutter my mind.

I do this in two ways. One is to "clear my mind" by sitting down either at the computer or with a piece of paper and just make a list of everything on my mind. Once I start thinking, the thoughts start to really flow and eventually they will taper off and I stop. It may be something I need to do or a concern I want to pray about or even something I want to remember to tell someone. The important thing is to just download it all onto paper.

I leave a slight margin on the left edge of the paper so that I can go back and code each item listed. "TD" is for things I need to do. "P" is for things I need to pray about. "C" is for what I want to consider (think more about), and so forth.

The other way I declutter my mind is to do mind mapping. I'm not sure if this is the correct name for what I do, but it's what I call it. It goes like this:
A. write down the instance/circumstance
B. write down your thoughts (about the instance/circumstance) one at a time
C. write down your emotions (about the instance/circumstance) one at a time
Then I look to see if I can spot a thinking error (in my thoughts)
For instance: am I thinking that someone or something is ALWAYS _____ (whatever)?
Well, that's a thinking error. No person or circumstance is ALWAYS _____ .
When I see that and change my thought (the way I think about it) to "sometimes" he or it _____ then my emotion immediately changes too.

This is VERY effective to change my mood/attitude/disposition.

Do I do it everyday? No.

When I do it, I'm ALWAYS glad I did (ha ha, got you!)

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