Thursday, March 11, 2010

114 Days to Go

This evening I worked in the office/workroom again.
I made a point of clearing a surface for my precious hubby to be able to use as he pulls out tools or works on something that needs fixing. He's been patiently waiting for this moment .... for years!

Some things are easier to deal with now (to make a decision to toss or donate them), but there are still some that I struggle with.

Moved some things around in the dining room so that it doesn't appear as crowded. This is just a temporary fix. I still have lots to declutter in here.

I asked my kids what they'd want of mine, someday .... and it weirded them out. I meant as I'm decluttering, I don't want to get rid of something they hoped to have. As you might have guessed, there wasn't much on their lists. All these papers and seemingly useful things didn't make the cut. Of course they're still young. One day, they may wish they had my paper clip collection or one of my many clipboards (just for sentimental reasons). Ha!

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