Hoarding and OCD go hand in hand (my paraphrase).
Some of my OCD symptoms:
I don't like to share a drink with ANYONE (but I'm pressing through this one)
I HAVE to wash my hands before I eat
I WANT everyone to wash their hands before they eat, or touch food, or hand me a fork or put ice in my cup .... that doesn't mean they do, sometimes I can deal with this phobia, sometimes I can't
I don't like to "taste this" (take a bite off someone's fork) but I'm pressing through this one too.
Don't take one of my pencils. I keep them sharpened. They have good erasers. I hand select my pencils. I will gladly give you your own pencils of the same high caliber, but don't take mine.
Do I "happen" to have a bandaid in my purse? No, I purposely plan to have a bandaid (and more than one) in my purse. I have various office supplies in there too.
I INSIST that my family members bring water with them when we leave the house. I used to let them suffer the consequences of not bringing their own water, I can't do that any more. They NEED water and then insist that they MUST drink some of mine (see my number one listing). I INSIST that they go back into the house and get water to bring with them.
I press the door lock button on my key fob more than once. Have to "check" to be sure that I did indeed lock it.
I check to make sure the door is locked (more than once) before I go to bed. Not more than once at the same time, but more than once over a period of time.
I used to think that I probably left my curling iron plugged in (and on) when I left the house. Now I make a conscious effort (by saying to myself) that I have unplugged it so that I will remember that I did.
I love my dog, but I don't like her to lick me. I am barely tolerating her dog hair (she sheds alot) in the house.
I think money is filthy! I NEED to wash my hands with hand cleaner after I touch it.
Sometimes I'm OK with touching doorknobs, sometimes I'm not. If I don't want to touch them I use a paper towel or my shirt.
Enough for now :)
Thanks for sharing. I think a lot of us have OCD symptoms to a greater or lesser degree. I wonder sometimes if our fast-paced lives create some of these issues.