Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas planning

I have a handmade notebook with forms I've made to "organize" Christmas.

One of the forms is to record who we receive Christmas cards from and who we send them to. I have columns (after the name of who I sent to) for checking off codes. There's a column to check if I send them a family newsletter inside their card, another column to check if I send them a picture and a column to indicate whether I mailed the card or hand delivered it to them.

I have a roster with all the addresses and the updated (new) addresses. I think the old addresses are still there too. Don't know why I keep those, just do.

I have several forms to plot out what stores I plan (or still need) to shop for gifts at. There is a chart to list what gifts I have purchased and for whom. I keep planning pages from Christmas Eve's past (that's when we have all of our kids and grandkids over to our house for dinner and give them the gifts from us). I list the menu and beverages served.

I wish I would have thought of writing down the gifts I gave them a long time ago (for their birthdays too). One year my grandson opened one of his birthday gifts from us, it was a DVD, and he told me that he already had it ... and we had given it to him!

I have aluminum buffet trays and warmers ... somewhere. We use them on Christmas Eve and also on New Year's Eve. I haven't seen them in awhile. I wonder if I got rid of them last year ??
Did they finally wear out? I don't remember ...

paper pre-sorting

If you don't have OCD, you won't understand this. If you do have it, you'll know what I'm talking about before I even get it all typed out.

I put together 5 banker's boxes and labeled them: school, home files, Christian, scrapbooking, cards & my writing. These are the main categories of all the papers I have. I have boxes and boxes of papers. Some boxes need to be sorted, some need to be filed. I think they have all been purged of trash ... I think. Back to the boxes I labeled -- I set them out and went through a box of papers that needed to be filed. These papers had been purged of trash but all the categories were mixed up in this box. As I picked up a paper, I would place it in one of the 5 banker's boxes.

My plan seemed to go smoothly until I came upon some papers that I didn't know exactly where to place. Uh oh. Sub-categories. "Subcategories" are a sign to me that I'm thinking too much (too obsessively). For instance, if I continued thinking about all the sub-categories, I'd end up with tabbed dividers and manilla file folders inside the bankers boxes. Now was not the time to break the boxes into sub-categories. If I did that now, my processing of this box of papers would come to a screaching halt.

I started making a "misc other" pile. I told myself not to worry about what I was going to do with these papers.

I did have a quick thought (fear actually) that I could end up with 10 or 15 banker's boxes labeled (because of the sub-categories) and that would be overwhelming. I tend to make things into something much bigger than it needs to be. I can exhaust and frustrate my own self like no one else can.

I was excited about this sorting plan. I tried to tell my husband about it. I should have known better. He didn't "get it" and he wasn't enthusiastic about it. I'm fortuante that he allows me to have/use the boxes in the first place. Best to share my organizational brain storms here, with you.

Have to keep going, keep clearning out the dining room.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

For the Love of a Box

My brother and I were the last ones to leave the park after a family reunion. We made sure all the trash was thrown away. There was a big empty cardboard box sitting on one of the benches. Earlier in the day it was packed with chicken from El Pollo Loco.

I admired the box. It was sturdy. It had handles (holes) on both sides. It had a lid that flipped up. It was clean (no stains inside). I was tempted to take it.

I carried the box over to where my things were gathered. I said to my brother, "Here's a good box." He agreed.

The box was larger than a Banker's Box which meant that it would not stack uniformily with my other boxes. As much as I admired the box, I was able to leave it.

Later that evening, I mentioned the box to my mother. She said she had seen the box and SHE had thought about taking it home too. She said it was a very good box.

My aunt said if she had seen the box, she probably would have taken it. She said she could use a good box. If we weren't so far away from the park now, one of us might have gone to see if the box was still there.

Friday, December 4, 2009

A GOOD Day !

I cried myself to sleep last night.

I knew I HAD to get some stuff out the door. I am the main clutterer. They have their's too, but mine has reproduced uncontrollably for years.

Now to the GOOD day : ) Today, I was determined to sort and purge ruthlessly. I opened the back of my van and filled it up with donations to take to Goodwill. I made myself sort through a box of papers. I emptied two other cardboard boxes and put them in the recycle can. I told my daughter to go and get one thing from her room that she needed to get rid of. That item was donated to Goodwill as well.

Any progress I have made is only by the grace of God. He is the one who is doing the work inside of me. And that's what it is, an inside job. I can't declutter and stop hoarding on my own. It's not my willpower at work. He is breaking this bondage in me.

A Bad Day, part 2

Two things bothered me about my daughter moving that stuff yesterday.

1. It was blocking access to that side of the room. I couldn't get through.

2. Everything was out of order. I didn't know what was where. I labeled the boxes but the boxes were not neatly stacked and the labels were not all facing out.

I have found that if a stack of boxes can be placed on wheels of some sort, they can easily be rolled out of the way. Most of the boxes that were in the dining room were on a rolling cart. She did not leave them on the cart. The cart is against the wall, folded up. Now I will have to move the boxes one at a time to get past them.

A Bad Day

Had a really bad day yesterday but it was the bad day that birthed the good day I had today.

My daughter started clearing the dining room (of my clutter) to make a place for our Christmas tree. I was away from home. When I came home and walked into the dining room I saw some open space. At first I liked seeing the space, but all too quickly I realized WHY there was open space. Something (a lot of somethings) were gone!

I looked into our office/work room/library/storage/etc ... room. That's what I was afraid of !! Everything she had moved was put into one side of the room -- the side where my scrapbooking materials are and the file cabinets. I could no longer walk into this area with the boxes everywhere.

I did not react well. I got mad. I vented. I left home. I went to a store and looked around. I tried to find SOMETHING to buy to make me happy. Didn't find anything that I really wanted to spend money on. Shopping just to make myself happy has lost it's joy (which is a GOOD thing).

Saturday, October 31, 2009

New Curtains

I bought new curtains for my dining room window.

I am disgusted with the stuff that is still in one end of the dining room. Bankers Boxes, plastic tubs, baskets and misc other containers. I wish it was all put away somewhere (or even GONE out of the house).

I've been telling myself that I can't think about decorating my home until it is cleared out so that the home decor is even noticable. So far so good. I've only bought things to put in areas where I have made some progress : )

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thoughts to Consider about things I collect

Am I hospitable because I HAVE dishes, serving pieces, housewares and linens in order to be hospitable or because I have people into my home?

Am I a scrapbooker because I HAVE a collection of tools and supplies or because I actually scrapbook?

Am I a connoisseur of great literature because I HAVE a large collection of books or because I have actually READ great literature?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

work done in the living room

Purged: toys I have for my grandkids

Put Away: work-out equipment that hubby wants to keep, but had been in our living room (unused) for weeks

Moved: a cubicle shelf, a folding table and a plastic two drawer stackable bin (that I emptied!)

Wow! What a difference. The living room looks much more open and cleaner now : )

Speaking of "clean" I discovered some wet swiffer type disposable cleaning cloths to use on my wood floor. I'm very pleased with them. They not only clean and pick up dog hair but they have a very nice smell too!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Obsessive Thinking

I decided to do some organizing with my scrapbooking materials. That would be FUN and enjoyable : )

I sorted through papers, documents and souvenirs that I intend to use on pages I make. I separated them and filed them away.

Two days later, I thought I would enjoy doing some more organizing. It didn't go as well. I hit a wall (frustrating myself).

I was working on making some sort of file in order to easily find words and phrases for pages about "FAMILY" or "FRIENDS," etc ... I started with legal sized hanging files. For some reason I wasn't liking how that was coming together. If only I had a smaller 4 x 6 or 5 x 8 file box. I thought I'd prefer the smaller size. I was happy to discover that I happened to have (not only one but two) of this type of box !!

I added A-Z divider tabs and started to file ziploc bags that contain "word" and "phrase" stickers. That's when I hit the wall. I was obsessing over how to file and how to KNOW what words and phrases I had. The more I thought about it, the more I thought I would need to keep an inventory of the "words" and the "phrases."

I continued to think about how I'd record the inventory; decided to use a small spiral notebook and list them alphabetically. I found a notebook the size I wanted. The number of pages were not listed anywhere on this notebook. I started to count them. Too many to count. I guesstimated that there were 80 - 100 pages. OK, I determined to use three pages per letter.

Next thing I thought about was that I wanted to be able to easily access a letter in this notebook. In order to do that, I would need tabs. With the straight edge of an index card and a pencil, I marked off the right edge of a sheet of paper. I held three pages together and cut out a notch (tab) for the "A" section. I did the same for "B", "C", and "D".

The tab would not be durable. I used a label and folded it over the paper tab (then wrote the letter on the label). This made the tab slightly thicker. I will eventually add some clear packing or scotch tape on top of the tab.

Next step was to come up with my codes. I needed codes for the location of the "word" or "phrase" and also codes that would tell me if this was a word (single word), a theme, a picture or
a definition.

After I came up with some codes, I thought about what order I would use to make an entry on a page.

At this point I had overwhelmed myself. This organizing was no longer enjoyable. I was quite stressed. I cleaned up and put everything away I had out.

Summarizing: I thought about coming up with a way to easily and efficiently be able to get my hands on stickers and sayings to use if I was working on a scrapbook page with the theme of "Friends" or "Family". My original thought did not pan out well. When I got down to using a smaller file box and my obsessive thinking brought me to the conclusion that I HAD TO INVENTORY each and every word sticker .... that's when I hit the wall and felt like crying or maybe even screaming a little because I also knew it would be a frustrating and tedious job to do.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

From My Heart

I give everyone permission to get rid of anything I ever gave them or made for them if they so choose. You are FREE to do with it as you wish. PLEASE do not hold onto something under any "obligation" or "guilt."

If it's mine, give it back to me (ha ha), seriously. But if it's already gone ... don't sweat it.

the show HOARDERS

I watched two episodes of "Hoarders" from A&E on my computer last night. These are the first ones I have seen. My immediate response was "ewwww!" I think that these circumstances are what most people think of when they hear the word hoarder. My home is not in this condition. I don't say that with any pride or haughtiness, just want to clarify that hoarders come in all degrees.

I can relate to some of the emotions expressed:
  • concern that the work crew CHECK to make sure that boxes are truly empty
  • concern that workers are CAREFUL when handling items (that may be fragile)
  • concern that an item is USEFUL or VALUABLE , yet needs to be removed (because you are NOT using it)
  • concern that others understand HOW DIFFICULT this process is for you
  • gratitude for the help (though at times there may be a breakdown)

Seeing it through the eyes of the family members who live with a hoarder, I felt great sorrow for them. They DO deserve to live in a home free from the clutter. They DO have a right to give an ultimatum. In doing so, they are not selfish, they ARE genuinely concerned about the health and well being of the hoarder and want them to get the help they need.


I've been placing items into the back of my van as I fill the "DONATIONS" box. As I pass a Goodwill, I drop off the donations.

One of my neighbors asked me if we were moving. She said she noticed stuff in the back of my van a couple of days in a row. I told her no, we're just moving out STUFF.

I joined a wonderful support group on-line. It's encouraging to read posts from others who are working through the same issues as I am.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Decluttering Is Not Just For Stuff

One of the things that is helping me be able to "release" stuff, is to declutter my mind.

I do this in two ways. One is to "clear my mind" by sitting down either at the computer or with a piece of paper and just make a list of everything on my mind. Once I start thinking, the thoughts start to really flow and eventually they will taper off and I stop. It may be something I need to do or a concern I want to pray about or even something I want to remember to tell someone. The important thing is to just download it all onto paper.

I leave a slight margin on the left edge of the paper so that I can go back and code each item listed. "TD" is for things I need to do. "P" is for things I need to pray about. "C" is for what I want to consider (think more about), and so forth.

The other way I declutter my mind is to do mind mapping. I'm not sure if this is the correct name for what I do, but it's what I call it. It goes like this:
A. write down the instance/circumstance
B. write down your thoughts (about the instance/circumstance) one at a time
C. write down your emotions (about the instance/circumstance) one at a time
Then I look to see if I can spot a thinking error (in my thoughts)
For instance: am I thinking that someone or something is ALWAYS _____ (whatever)?
Well, that's a thinking error. No person or circumstance is ALWAYS _____ .
When I see that and change my thought (the way I think about it) to "sometimes" he or it _____ then my emotion immediately changes too.

This is VERY effective to change my mood/attitude/disposition.

Do I do it everyday? No.

When I do it, I'm ALWAYS glad I did (ha ha, got you!)

Thinking About The Focus

This is not an original idea. I heard about it from someone else. I don't remember the man's name or I would give him the proper credit (he is a professional organizer and I think he shared this on the Oprah show) ... anyway, the tip is to evaluate each room of your house.

Ask yourself the following questions:
What is the function of this room (currently) ?
Who uses this room?
What do you WANT the function of this room to be?
What will have to be removed to meet this function?

I asked my husband and daughter these questions about our living room and dining room. Their answers weren't very surprising. I hope having a focus will help me to clear the "extra" things out (the clutter).

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tonight I purged my Tupperware/food storage containers. Threw away lids without bottoms, and placed pieces that we don't use in my DONATIONS box.

I gathered up paper goods: paper, plastic and styrofoam plates, cups, bowls and plasticware. I discovered that we have an over abundance of plastic knives and I don't need to buy any cups for picnics or parties for awhile either. I put these into white Banker's Boxes. The boxes are a temporary home for them until I decide where they will permanently stay.

I also ventured into my closet and came out with two paper bags full of clothes, some purses a pair of shoes and some hangers that I will DONATE.

These were easy purges. Obviously I am not emotionally tied to these things. When I get around to my books ... I know it will be a different story.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The best part of today was being able to declare that two more places in our home are now "clutter free zones!" One of them is the kitchen counters (yowzah!) and the other is the laundry room (woo -- ee!)

These will not be easy areas to maintain because we all have the habit of leaving things in or on them. I anticipate having to police these spots for an extended period of time, but that's alright by me : ) I'm still joyous!

The funniest thing that happened today was when I was boxing up some things. I had cleared off the top of our incoming mail slots area and placed everything into a Banker's Box (labeled on the outside with the date that I put it in the box). Since the box was not full, I decided that I would add the bag that was hanging on my pantry doorknob.

This particular bag had been hanging on the doorknob for over a year (maybe closer to two ?!!)
It contained things that were left in our vehicle one time when I cleaned it out. This was a bag of
things that were not trash. I suppose that when I hung it up I told my family what the bag was and that they should look in it to see if any of their items were inside .... before I threw it away.
I may have said there was a deadline ... I probably did. I'm sure I intended to.

Anyway, this bag has been on that doorknob all this time. It has haunted ME (just me) because I'm the one who knows what it is. It may have been inconvenient to the rest of my family. But then again, they probably got to a place where they no longer even noticed it. I always knew it was there.

Today, I decided to free myself from the torturous feelings and put the bag into a box. First I had to unwind the bag (it had twisted round and round and tighter and tighter so that it couldn't be taken off). After it was unwound all the way and I lifted it off the knob, the contents fell to the floor (the old plastic grocery bag had ripped).

I could NOT believe what was inside: a knitted beanie, one glove, a felt tipped pen, one feminine hygene product, a very outdated Truck Trader magazine and some old flyers. All this time I assumed that whatever was in the bag, I would have to find a place for or make some gut wrenching decision about ...

The magazine and flyers went into the garbage. I put the rest of the items away (in less than 5 minutes). The most tedious thing I had to do was cross out where I had listed this bag on the label I put on the outside of the Banker's Box.

Note to self: do not label a box until you actually put the item(s) inside of it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One Woman's Hoard IS Another's Treasure

Once upon a time Princess House Crystal was all the rage with my circle of friends. I attened and even hosted some in-home parties in an effort to build my collection. There was one particular set that captured my heart ... the hand blown punch bowl set. The bowl was set on a pedestal base and included twelve matching glasses. How I longed to see it in my china hutch!

I don't remember the requirements to obtain this magnificent set, except that it was available to hostesses ONLY. It could not be purchased by just anyone who wanted to have it.

Eventaully I was triumphant in acquiring this crystal treasure! It was beautiful and I had the perfect place reserved for it. Not only did I delight in seeing it in my dining room, but guests would be transfixed on it's intrinsic value and offer adoring praise as well.

Since the punch bowl itself, was handblown crystal, it was very fragile. I brought it out and used it once but was so very anxious when I washed it after the party, that I did not care to use it again. In the china hutch it sat for many, many years.

That all changed on Monday. The magical hold that this inatimate object had on me was broken. I was ready to release it for someone else to enjoy. I posted a listing on Craig's List. Several inquirers responded immediately. One man was persistant. I am so happy that he is the one who bought this set.

He told me that his wife had seen the Craig's List ad last Thursday. She wanted the set as soon as she read about it. She asked her husband to respond. He didn't. They were going out of town and he didn't want to ask me to hold it for him. His wife could not get it out of her mind. She hoped he would contact me as soon as they crossed the Arizona border again. He didn't, but he had a plan. He had saved cash from their trip. He had the exact amount stashed away in his wallet. He contacted me first thing when he got to work on Monday in the hopes that I still had the set. I did. He wanted to surprise his wife. I wish I could've been a fly on the wall to see her face.

I am incredibly blessed by the work that the Lord is doing in me and in my heart.

Friday, August 28, 2009

OCD & Hoarding

Hoarding and OCD go hand in hand (my paraphrase).

Some of my OCD symptoms:

I don't like to share a drink with ANYONE (but I'm pressing through this one)

I HAVE to wash my hands before I eat

I WANT everyone to wash their hands before they eat, or touch food, or hand me a fork or put ice in my cup .... that doesn't mean they do, sometimes I can deal with this phobia, sometimes I can't

I don't like to "taste this" (take a bite off someone's fork) but I'm pressing through this one too.

Don't take one of my pencils. I keep them sharpened. They have good erasers. I hand select my pencils. I will gladly give you your own pencils of the same high caliber, but don't take mine.

Do I "happen" to have a bandaid in my purse? No, I purposely plan to have a bandaid (and more than one) in my purse. I have various office supplies in there too.

I INSIST that my family members bring water with them when we leave the house. I used to let them suffer the consequences of not bringing their own water, I can't do that any more. They NEED water and then insist that they MUST drink some of mine (see my number one listing). I INSIST that they go back into the house and get water to bring with them.

I press the door lock button on my key fob more than once. Have to "check" to be sure that I did indeed lock it.

I check to make sure the door is locked (more than once) before I go to bed. Not more than once at the same time, but more than once over a period of time.

I used to think that I probably left my curling iron plugged in (and on) when I left the house. Now I make a conscious effort (by saying to myself) that I have unplugged it so that I will remember that I did.

I love my dog, but I don't like her to lick me. I am barely tolerating her dog hair (she sheds alot) in the house.

I think money is filthy! I NEED to wash my hands with hand cleaner after I touch it.

Sometimes I'm OK with touching doorknobs, sometimes I'm not. If I don't want to touch them I use a paper towel or my shirt.

Enough for now :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today I bought some Banker's Boxes (at OfficeMax). I have alot of them already. The ones I HAD are in use. The ones I bought are for a specific purpose. I am using them to place items of like categories into one place. The items I am putting into the new boxes are items that were either laying around in a pile somewhere or they were in an odd container of some sort.

I emptied a laundry basket that was full of (probably outdated) computer software. I threw out some that I KNEW were too old. The rest I put into a new Banker's Box and labled it "computer software."

This is not a permanent home for the computer software. It's a temporary/ holding cell (ha ha) for the software. As I purge through the house (and especially in the office) I expect to find more pieces of the software [CD's and user manuals, etc]. I will have one of my kids (who are much more computer savvy than I am) go through this box and determine what is usable and what is antiquated.

I also transferred cassette tapes to a new Banker's Box. Cassettes seem to multiply as they lay scattered around our house. When we are looking for a certain one its usually not in its case.
The box marked "Cassettes" has some cassettes without cases and many cassette cases without cassettes. I would imagine when we get to this box, we will discover that some of the cases hold the wrong tapes, too.

I had ribbon and bows on a narrow rolling cart (the kind made to fit between your washer and dryer). I found this cart at a thrift store or a yard sale and didn't even stop to contemplate whether or not it would fit between MY washer and dryer. It didn't! So I employed it for various other uses. None of them worked well. This cart tips over very easily when it is wheeled about. I think it was designed to go in a straight line (forward and backward) in and out of the crack between the washer and dryer. It wasn't intended to move in any other direction ... carts on wheels in our house get moved in every imaginable direction. This narrow cart fell over countless times. It frustrated us, it angered us ... but I kept it. I would come up with another plan for it's use. And that's how it came to be the cart that held ribbons and bows and assorted gift wrapping tools. It still fell over, but I was the only one who used it now so I was the only one who was frustrated (and I didn't use it on a daily basis) ... but I digress ... The ribbons, bows and gift tags are now in a Banker's Box. I see that this evening, this cart has some of my husband's toolish things on it. I'll just wheel it over to "his" area and that will be that. Once it falls over with HIS things on it, I think it will be gone. He won't put up with it.

I had a large black trash bag that I was using to put things in that I was going to donate. It was not quite full, but I was tired of it being in the way. I went around the house and looked for things that I could live without. I put in a Coca-Cola cap I had (that I never liked to wear, it didn't fit my head right) but I kept because I used to really enjoy drinking Coke. And a Christmas gift that I never sent (it was still wrapped and every time I saw it, it made me feel bad). I unwrapped it and put it in the bag. A play telephone (for infants) that was too young for any of my grandkids now. There might have been one or two more things, but I don't remember what they were. Hmmm, I must not have cared (yea!)

One more box that I started to fill today is the "Correspondence" box. It has card making supplies, stationary, card envelopes, Christmas design address labels and cheery stickers in it so far. I may put my Christmas card supplies in it also. And I have a box that has dividers in it to store greeting cards by category (birthdays, get well soon, etc ...) I don't know if I'll put them in this Banker's Box or not. The little box that the greeting cards are in is already too full. That's because I buy cards, then lose them and buy more cards. Then I I find cards and I seem to acquire cards from other places (that I don't remember buying ... odd type cards) ...
I buy cards for a certain person (and if I buy several at once) I tend to forget who I bought which card for. I must remember to put a sticky note on the envelope right away! (I'm not talking about Birthday cards) cards like "Thinking of You" or "Encourgement" or "Praying for You" type cards. I also buy sympathy cards but don't send them right away and then wonder if it's too late to send them, still don't send them, have another occasion to send a sympathy card, but don't send the sympathy card to the second person because I remember that I bought it for the first person and never sent it to them!

I have some graduation cards that are addressed and have a stamp on the envelope. I didn't send them right away and now they're YEARS late. Need to throw these away ... I think ... or should I still send them? I can't reuse them, and I did mean everything I wrote inside them. I have the same sentiments one or three years later ... what do you think? If there was a check inside, I bet the recipient wouldn't care how late they were!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good Information

I am obsessed with collecting information.

Today I was at the public library and I saw bookmarks from the Friends of the Library that had dates of the last two warehouse book sales this year. My immediate thought was: this is good information to know and to share! So I took one bookmark. As I was getting into my vehicle I decided that I would "do something" with this information ASAP or throw out the bookmark.

This evening I was at Sprouts and I passed the table with flyers and information about upcoming health related classes. I picked up a brochure. It listed several FREE classes for healthy eating and promoting healthy families. THIS IS GOOD INFORMATION for my daughters and their families, I thought. And best of all it's FREE!

I made myself deliver this information on the day I picked it up. I composed an e-mail and sent it off to my family members with this "good to have" information. I contemplated whether or not I should keep the paper and the bookmark (in case I would need it in the future) ... no! I threw them away. I had used them for the purpose I picked them up.

Throwing away those "hard copies" of information was a BIG step for me. Maybe some day down the road I will not have to pick up papers with information that I think someone else MAY want to know about.

Being responsible for the whole world is one of the many burdens that a hoarder subconsciously carries.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I labled an empty Banker's Box and filled it with Primerica and VIBE materials (two business opportunites we were involved in).

I labled another Banker's Box "Craft" and filled it with craft supplies that came out of the white pantry I emptied yesterday. This is not ALL of our craft supplies (and doesn't include any scrapbooking supplies).

I unpacked a box of school curriculum that just arrived today and placed it on a shelf in the dining room. I put all the materials that I will be using to teach on this same shelf. Having a place to put the books and materials and having them off of the dining room table freed my mind up and I'm excited to lesson plan now (until this happened I knew I SHOULD but I hadn't done it).

I'M HAPPY ABOUT not seeing the box of my Primerica business cards by my computer everday ... making me feel guilty, knowing the craft items are in a box all together and not stacked up on the floor or on top of some surface, and having a place to put the new curriculum so that I can easy access it and it won't get damaged before I can even use it!

Tuesday, August 25

Tonight I cleared two shelves in the office and put my
personal notebooks and Bible study materials on them.

The reason why I leave books OUT is so that I can
find them and so that I will remember that I'm using
them! Amazing how true this is: out of sight, out
of mind.

having a place to put my Bible study materials so that they are no longer falling on the floor
having a place to put away my personal notebooks
being able to EASILY access all these books !!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tonight I emptied a large pantry (the white cupboards you can buy and have to put together) and filled it with scrapbooking material.

I haven't scrapbooked for quite some time. One of the main reasons why is that my materials were not easy to get to.

Hoarders collect things and can't get rid of items to the point of not being able
to use those precious things! They can't use them because it's inconvenient to
get to them. Once you can't get to them anymore you forget what you have and
so you get more. Thus the collection grows.

Next step (or at some place in time .... further down the road?) will be to find a new home for the things I plan to keep (and removed from the white pantry).

I threw away: coloring books, childrens books that were falling apart, Science experiment tidbits

I'm donating: Easter grass, some children's books, fingerpaint paper, contact style paper to cover books with

being able to SEE what I have (for scrapbooking)
having all my scrapbooking materials in ONE place
being able to GET TO my scrabooking materials !!
having my children's books out and accessible for when my grandkids come over!
seeing a neat & tidy shelf in my dining room (where the coloring books and children's books are now)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I am a hoarder

Being able to type that, let alone admit it to myself is the start of this new day.

Welcome to the blog about my journey from being a hoarder to ???
I'm not there yet, so I don't know where this path will end.