Monday, December 5, 2011


Dining Room table clear (except for plants) which still makes it CLEAR !!!

Dining Room Table

It has been a goal to clear my dining room table ... to a degree, it has been.

This is what sits on it now:
  • My spider plant and several "babies" that I am starting from clippings. They sit atop the table to get sun.
  • a metal "bread box" that has misc items inside of it -- wow! I just looked inside of it! It only houses two devotional books and my Quiet time journal !! Very cool !!
  • two binders -- my medical info and Quachi Clan
  • a large 2011 calendar (from the Chickasaw Nation) that is unused but has beautiful photos
  • calendar pages (by the month) that have been ripped off the large (desk size) family calendar that hangs in our kitchen.
  • Old dayplanner pages and a small 3 ring binder that contains more of the same
  • my old dayplanner (leather binder)
  • stacks and stacks of papers
  • a small wire basket with papers in it
  • some Christmas cards, mostly photos, received last year
  • a collectible horse (that I intend to return to my sister, Julie)
  • an empty purse of mine
  • Newspaper pages (saved for packing things)
  • a couple of pads of paper
  • a fold-able book stand
  • a plastic file folder (stand up) holder (which holds the Christmas cards and pads of paper)
It seems as if I could EASILY clear this table TODAY (or at least by the end of the week).

DECEMBER ... again

December... again. Excessive clutter ... still. I cried last night over the situation. I don't WANT to live with clutter. I don't WANT this year to be like the rest ....putting things away (out of sight, in nooks and crannies, behind closed doors to be ignored ...) so that we can pull out Christmas decorations.

I woke up to some clear spaces. My husband and daughter put boxes out of sight. Our fireplace is clear today. The hallway is clear of stacks of boxes. I can enter my craft room/office easily ... well, at least I can get to the door easily that is.

Somewhere down the road, I must have forgotten the challenge to clear my bedroom. I wonder if my mom cleared hers.

We are house hunting. Since we don't have to vacate this house (we own it) we can have two houses at once ... for a time being. I am hoping that it will help me to declutter. My thought is that I will move to the new house ONLY what fits ... only what I WANT there ... and will THEN clearly see what I don't need (can let go of). It sounds like it will work... time will tell.

To declutter my house would be my GREATEST personal victory .... it would even top reaching my goal weight and staying there.