Friday, May 27, 2011

Faced a big fear

Yesterday, I took a friend of mine, Holly, on a tour of every room of my house. Not only was this the first time she had been inside my house (invited by me to come TO my house), but after we visited in the living room for awhile, I felt like today (yesterday) was the day for a big step.

She was very thoughtful and wanted me to feel comfortable through the process. The farther I went, into the inner sanctum of my being (into the places in my house that I wouldn't want anyone to see), the less anxious I felt. She was gracious, she was gentle and kind. She didn't say much. She did ask a few questions, which I told her I was ok with answering.

I can tell that THIS is the beginning of something really, really good!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Took A Big Step

Today was the day. It wasn't the first time I had thought of doing it, but today I felt that I HAD to do it NOW.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I never really stopped carrying a diaper bag

My sweet hubby surprised me with a laptop for Mother's Day. We have an older case (from long ago, and I don't even remember why) that I'm using. The leather on the handle is a little torn. I asked hubby if he had some electrical tape that I could use to tape up that part of the handle. His response to me was to buy myself a new case.

Hmmm .... which of these options will I choose?

1. Buy a new (new to me) case.
"New to me," because I will bargain hunt for one. It will most likely be a used case.

2. "Fix" the old case and keep on using it.
Is this like taping up an old pair of tennis shoes so you can still wear them?

3. Get crafty and design my own handle cover.
Maybe it will be removable so I can wash it and even change it.

Speaking of cases ...
I wonder just HOW MANY cases of (various sizes and purposes) I do have?
  • brief cases
  • business/officey/executive bags
  • student type /over the shoulder bags
  • tote bags
  • backpacks
  • backpacks on wheels
  • plastic click/clipboard cases
  • leather, vinyl, canvas, quilted, washable, reversible, zip-able, snap-able, file section, water bottle holding, several compartments, pen and pencil location ...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Get Rid of the Guilt

I borrowed a reading curriculum from a friend many years ago ... at least 10 years ago, I believe.

When I was finished with it, I passed it on to another friend to use. Some time later, I found parts of the set that had been "lost" in my abyss of homeschooling stuff. By that time the second friend was about ready to return the set to the original owner ... BUT she was in the process of a move. She asked me to keep the parts until the move was complete.

YEARS later, I still had the parts. I finally boxed them up and labeled the box. I kept the box for another year or two, hoping to see the original owner of the set. She no longer lived close by.

Two months ago I put the labeled box in the back of my van. IF I should run into the owner, I would have the box with me.

Last week, I dropped off a donation of homeschooling curriculum at a resource center. I also donated the labeled box. It is not a complete set of reading curriculum, but just maybe, someone is looking for the items in the box.

What a relief to get rid of that heavy burden of guilt.

Do you have any laying around? Give it away today!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


A dear friend of mine brought BOXES of books to my house, along with some CDs, DVDs and cassette tapes. She is a precious elderly woman. Her daughter is helping her purge.

I appreciate the fact that she knows of my love for good books. The boxes were full of good books. My husband even commented that they were!

After a couple of weeks, I sat down and typed up a list of the books, tapes, CDs and DVDs that I was given. I emailed the list to my immediate family members to peruse. They were as excited as I was to take a peek. A few of the items went to new homes. The rest were donated to a local church for their lending library.

This is all well and good .... except that it didn't make a difference in all the clutter I am already dealing with in my home : )